Convenient participation from home
Online courses
Our online courses allow participants to stay fit from the comfort of their own home and to take a break from studying. These are live courses; the participants themselves are responsible for ensuring there is no risk of accidents when performing the exercises. Participants are not allowed to make audio or video recordings of the sessions.
Convenient participation from home
Times: Thursdays 18:00 - 19:00
Location: Live online course which can be taken from home (link will be provided by the instructor after registration). Ensure you have enough space and a non-slip surface for the exercises. You are not allowed to make your own audio or video recordings. A live audio recording of the course will be made (audio track of instructor only). By participating, you agree to the recording.
Fee: € 15 (students) / € 20 (staff)/ 30€ (guests)
Trainer: Monika Bösche, Contact: monika.boesche@gmail.com
Description: Less can be more – believe it! But how much is enough? Breaks are important. On a Feldenkrais course there is no right or wrong, no external evaluation. Above all, Feldenkrais is about self-awareness and self-perception. But without our own inner critic, which can dominate all too often. On a Feldenkrais course we simply banish the inner critic from the room. The idea behind the verbally guided movements is as follows: Just do what you can, don't try to do exceed your abilities – and do it your own way. The Feldenkrais techniques draw attention to parts of the body that we may not previously have been aware of. This enriches and complements our own body image and our visualisation of the movements. We discover parasitic tension in muscles that are not needed for movement. We can then release this tension to facilitate movement. Like children, we are curious to make all possible "mistakes" and variations to find the ones that suit us best. Even if we are not always aware of it, evolution has shaped our brain and nervous system always to look for the simplest way. The newly found (consciously or unconsciously) movement patterns can surprise us even after the course – in everyday life, too.
You will need: A mat and/or blanket, comfortable and maybe some warmer clothes (e.g. jumper, tracksuit bottoms, socks, leg/arm warmers etc.), possibly a small cushion which is not too soft.
Students can register via the course catalogue ("Vorlesungsverzeichnis") in my.h-da.de, while staff should use qis.h-da.de. Guests should contact the University Sports Office by email: hochschulsport@h-da.de.
Times: Tuesdays 18:00 - 18:30
Location: Live online course which can be taken from home (link will be provided by the instructor after registration). Ensure you have enough space and a non-slip surface for the exercises. You are not allowed to make your own audio or video recordings.
Fee: € 10 (students) / € 15 (staff)/ 25 € (guests)
Trainer: Yvonne Reuter (T'ai Chi trainer) mailto@chi-moves.de
Description: The Qi Gong breathing exercises restore the flow of our life energy, Qi, strengthening the entire organism. The meditative movements draw our attention to the centre of our being and are an ideal counterbalance to our everyday life. This enhances our concentration, improves our breathing and posture, leaving us feeling stronger and more balanced. The purpose of the course is to familiarise participants with the slow-paced Asian movement arts. No previous experience is required. Come along in comfortable clothing and bring gym shoes or sneakers with you, and possibly a blanket.
Students can register via the course catalogue ("Vorlesungsverzeichnis") in my.h-da.de, while staff should use qis.h-da.de. Guests should contact the University Sports Office by email: hochschulsport@h-da.de.
T'ai Chi Online advanced course
Times: Tuesdays 18:45 - 19:30
Location: Live online course which can be taken from home (link will be provided by the instructor after registration). Ensure you have enough space and a non-slip surface for the exercises. You are not allowed to make your own audio or video recordings.
Fee: € 15 (students) / € 20 (staff)/ 30€ (guests)
Trainer: Yvonne Reuter (T'ai Chi trainer) mailto@chi-moves.de
Students can register via the course catalogue ("Vorlesungsverzeichnis") in my.h-da.de, while staff should use qis.h-da.de. Guests should contact the University Sports Office by email: hochschulsport@h-da.de.