Frequently asked questions

When does enrolment start for the sports courses?

The exact date will be published on our website and on Instagram before the start of the semester .

When do the courses start?

You can find the start dates of the sports courses in QIS or my.h-da

(Vorlesungsverzeichnis → Hochschulsport → Select course → Dates/Times/Location)

How do I enrol for the sports courses?

Students: my.h-da → Course catalogue ("Vorlesungsverzeichnis") → Hochschulsport

 Staff: QIS

 Alumni: Enrol in the h_da alumni portal by sending an e-mail to hochschulsport@hda.de

Eligibility: https://hochschulsport.h-da.de/en/programm/eligibility

Guests: Remaining places can be booked one week after the start of enrolment by sending an e-mail to hochschulsport@h-da.de 

Eligibility: https://hochschulsport.h-da.de/en/programm/eligibility

Is the course fee for one semester?

Yes, the course fees shown are always for one semester.

How do I pay the course fee?

After the third course session you will be sent an invoice by e-mail, which must be paid within 14 day.

Which courses are free of charge?

  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Rugby
  • Running Club
  • Badminton
  • Trampolining
  • Mountain biking
  • Chess
  • Inline hockey
  • Wheelchair handball
  • Canne de Combat

Can I unenroll if I don't like the course?

It's not possible to withdraw from a course anymore. If you are interested in the course and you just want "to have a look" please, send an email to hochschulsport@h-da.de


Illness etc. during the course

Please send an e-mail to the trainer or to us (hochschulsport@h-da.de) to retain your place on the course.

You can find the e-mail addresses of the trainers in the individual course descriptions on our website.


Where is the sports room?

The sports room is on the Darmstadt campus → A10, -1.03

Click here for directions: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cq-G3ITNC3t/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MmJiY2I4NDBkZg==