Occupational health management

Occupational Health Management

From the end of October 2023, we will launch a sports and exercise offer for employees of the h_da, in cooperation with the health management of the h_da. Registrations will be released via the LSF/QIS:

Course overview - betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung - select a course 

Within the framework of occupational health management, all courses are free of charge. Please note that currently only one registration is possible so that several employees have the opportunity to participate in one of the courses. The university management supports the health promotion measures, therefore participation during working hours is possible, as long as there are no urgent operational concerns after consultation with the supervisor.


Employees should use the QIS university information system: https://qis.h-da.de/

"Break Time Express"

Interested departments should send a mail to:


in cooperation with